|Scene Addiction - My story |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By Bad Monkey Is it me or is the scene a drug. I definately think it can become very addictive, and if your not careful it can start to run your life. Well probably not run your life but if I said to you from tomorrow your not allowed to have anything else to do with the scene you`ll probably feel like a part of your life has been taken away. OK we all enjoy the scene and it`s a hobby to most, which is why were in it. But it`s not what I`m trying to say. It would be better if I tell my slightly lame story, yet it how I got interested in the scene and how I believe I got addicted. It all started when I got my A500 1.3 about 4 or 5 years ago (end of story - only kidding). I had upgraded from an Amstrad CPC 464, which my friend also had. On the CPC we as everyone else did use to copying the tapes. We would all buy a game each then copy it for each other so we would all have each others games. As one by one we all upgraded to Amigas, we did not realise that you could not copy the games in any was as you could on the CPC. So we use to lend the bought games to each other. Then after about 7 months of having the Amiga one of my friend`s came in and showed me a disk that his Dad had got from a friend. It had three games on it. IK+, Stunt Car racer, and another. We new that Stunt Car racer was a commercial game from the CPC but we had not heard of the others two at the time. Then when my mate showed me that it was possible to copy the disk I was totally stunned. I was very keen on meeting my mate`s, Dad`s, friend (got that!!) to see how he cracked them and then squashed them up on to one disk. I pestered my mate on and on but I never got to meet their Dads mate. Then about 6 months later at school I saw some disks lying by an Amiga (yes we had three A500 in our school). They read Ikari Warriors & Full Contact, hand written and obvious copies. The teacher told that they were copied off a boy called James X. I knew the boy slightly but did not realise that he had an Amiga. I went to see James that lunch break to ask if I could have a copy of those disks, he said that it would be alright and lent me them the following day. I couldn`t wait till home time that afternoon. when I did I ran straight up stairs a bunged in Full Contact. I played and played it till I completed it, I gave copies to every I new who had an Amiga, then I wanted more. I saw James again and he said they were the only two games that he had which came with his second hand computer. Then one day while playing Full Contact for the 1,000,001th time I read the message that came up when you booted the disk. It said "For Amiga and PC warez Write to : Fairlight, Po box XXX, germany". I thought what have I got to lose and wrote off to the address. I said something lame like "I want to get more disks like full contact how much would they cost to buy". About months went past nothing came back and I thought it was a big hoax. Then a letter landed on my mat addressed to me from Germany. I knew straight away what it was although I had forgotten all about it up till then. I ripped open the letter in and inside was an A4 sheet full of all the latest and unrelease Amiga games. I couldn`t believe it. His prices were about 20 disks for 80DM (about 30 quid) up to 100 disks for 290 DM`s. I thought that this was reasonable prices to pay considering that in the shops they cost 25 quid per game (before they went up) and I was getting 8 - 10 latest games for my 30 quid. So I bought some. Three weeks later a parcel arrived with all my games in. Most excellent I thought. About every three weeks a list would come through with all his latest games and every other list I would order disks. This continued from about 1992 - mid 1994. In which time I spent a lot more than I could afford, and tried to stop several time. But I just found myself needing the latest warez. Anyway in 1994 I went to the FES show, walked around a bit couldn`t really find anything of interest so I decided to spend some money on the P.D. stall there. While looking through their latest list I saw Grapevine 20 being advertised. I had seen it in Amiga Format before then, which had said it was a good read so I thought I`d give it a whirl. They told me grapevine 20 wasn`t out till the next day, but they had GV19 if I wanted it....Yeah alright what the heck. When I got I home I was flicking through the articles reading the most appealing one. Then I came to the adverts section. I read the adverts with interest and though that it wouldn`t be a bad idea to get into this swapin` scene. I wrote off to about six or seven sceners, 4 of which agreed to swap with me. I gave up on my German man realising that it was all very lame. Now I don`t get my warez as new anymore I have found the addiction to have gone now. But I know if someone took the enjoyment of wondering what`s in the jiffy parcel on the mat, I would be a normal person!!! Is it me or has any one else out there felt or feels the need for warez to keep em goin`. I don`t now, but about a 1 year and a half ago I was totally addicted. Here 10 way to find if your addicted : =-=- =- =-= -= -=-= -= -=-= -=-=-=-= - 1 You stay up till 4 in the morning copying warez. 2 Pour flour onto a disk and sniff it like a drug. 3 Take your Amiga too bed with you. 4 Your over the age of 80. 5 You never leave your bedroom without your Amiga. 6 Amiga`s are the key subject for you to chat up a bird. 7 You have no life. 8 You try and make friends by copying warez for them. 9 You think God created the Amiga. 10 You are totally sad & lame!!! BaD mOnKeY -- See Addy